Swiss Quantum Hub The Swiss Community Hub for Quantum Computing and Technologies
Weekly Newsletter
April 16, 2021
Linear Ascending Metrological Algorithm
A research team around Quantum tech startup Terra Quantum pushed sensing capacity beyond what has previously been achievable by exploiting quantum resources. Human understanding of the world and our technological…

April 16, 2021
Dutch researchers establish the first entanglement-based quantum network
Towards ubiquitous connectivity The first steps towards a quantum internet were taken in the past decade by linking two quantum devices that shared a direct physical link. However, being able…

April 16, 2021
A new piece towards topological quantum computer
Each fermion has an antiparticle of opposite electric charge with which it annihilates. But this is not the case for Majorana fermions, which have no charge and are their own…

April 16, 2021
Water and quantum magnets share critical physics
In physics, things exist in “phases”, such as solid, liquid, gas. When something crosses from one phase to another, we talk about a “phase transition” – think about water boiling…

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